Friday, August 13, 2010

THE BEAT (The Beat Within) Goes On and On and On

I received a pleasant surprise in my personal email today. An email from David Inocencio with a link to this video. Listening to this video brings tears to my many memories.

I was definitely blessed to be a part of the Beat movement within Maricopa County juvenile detention. David and several Beat staff introduced those of us at Durango to The Beat Within in the summer of 2003. This was a drastic turning point for me, working in juvenile detention at the time. Attempting to promote, encourage and develop creative writing opportunities for The Beat Within became my passion for the next 6+ years.

Writing the responses was challenging and stretched me, but it was the kids and their writings that kept me glued to this project. What talent! What heart! Absolutely mind blowing at times-the content and flow of their pieces. So much growth and self-confidence witnessed through such an incredible program.

Well here it is...Check out this video on The Beat Within!

SF State Beat Within Video from New America Media on Vimeo.

Though I am no longer working as staff in detention, I hope to someday return to the juvenile detention setting to help with Beat workshops and creative, therapeutic writing projects.

Much love and radical props to all the Beat Within staff, and any and all staff in detention centers who promote creative, therapeutic writing behind bars to give young people hope and a positive outlet while they are on the "inside"!

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