Saturday, June 2, 2018

Saturday morning radio

Today is one of those days i am STAYING INSIDE -
      piddling/doing chores/cleaning up/working on various projects/etc. while
                                                         LISTENING to the radio
                                           YES!  I am listening to the radio.
(When i am someday aging in a nursing home somewhere, please be sure i have my radio.)

                                                                                                    stereo radio.

Typically the NPR/Public radio lineup for Saturday mornings is one of my faves!

10:00 Wait, wait, don't tell me
11:00 This American Life
12:00 Studio 360
01:00  Splendid Table

Then there are other favorites splattered throughout the day on various stations

A Way with Words
The Score with Edmund Stone
Live from Here with Chris Thile

Chris Thile, formerly with Nickel Creek, began hosting Prairie Home Companion after Garrison Keillor took leave in October 2016.  In December 2017, Prairie Home Companion transformed into Live from Here - folk, bluegrass and various live musicians, comedy, and radio drama.

THIS WEEK, in particular, the episode on Studio 360 really stood out and so i want to post the info for reference. Here is the link to American Icons, Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Photo of the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial found at Vietnam Full Disclosure.

A Smithsonian video on Maya Lin and her creation the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

My brother OJ who served as a Marine in the 90s, recently visited Washington DC and the memorial. It was a memorable and amazing, exhausting trip for him.  He hit the pavement each day following his work and took myriads of photos often late into the night. He posted these on Instagram - OJ's trip to Washington D.C.